For Chaplains

Job Description for Volunteer Camino Chaplain

The Diocese in Europe / The Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe


The Chaplaincy to pilgrims who have been walking the Camino de Santiago, has been in existence under the auspices of the Church of England since 2018. Following the covid 19 pandemic, when the chaplaincy was suspended, it is now being renewed and the 2022 ‘season’ featured several volunteer chaplains being present in Santiago usually for two week periods.

From this year onwards the Chaplaincy will be run as a joint venture between the Church of England and the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, with chaplains being authorised through either of these two Anglican churches.

The ministry in Santiago remains a ‘network chaplaincy’ with subsidised accommodation provided for volunteers, and an opportunity to develop a ministry to pilgrims arriving in Santiago. 

Volunteers should themselves have walked all or part of the Camino (having a Compostela as a result).

Here is a brief job description.

What we ask of you






What we offer to support you

Central Santiago Meeting Space

From July through October we will have a meeting room space nearer the centre of the city


Claims for half of the accommodation costs can be refunded (receipt please). An estimate of general hospitality costs (teas/coffees etc), will also be paid.


Air B&B or similar type of accommodation may be booked online in central Santiago. Information on places used by previous chaplains can provided on request.


Please do get in touch as needed with Archdeacon Waller.

We are organising a link ‘welcome’ person to meet with incoming chaplains and their contact details will be provided prior to arrival.

Suggested Daily/Weekly Schedule

Anglican Chaplaincy in Santiago

As the title indicates, this is a suggested schedule for your time in Santiago.  Feel free to adjust and make changes as circumstances dictate.  If possible, your time of service begins on a Friday and ends on a Friday, two weeks following.  This allows for a possible overlap with chaplains who have preceded or will follow you.  We know that serving from a Friday to Friday is not always possible because of travel or accommodation concerns, so adapt as needed. 

In general, the flow of chaplain ministry historically is as follows:

Friday or Day 1

Get settled in your accommodation.  Meet with the departing schedule to debrief, if possible.  If your paths do not cross due to travel schedules, we suggest you be in touch with your predecessor for any updates or helpful information.  If you have time, visit the Campus Stellae (CS) building to introduce yourself to the receptionist and staff, and check out the space.  Nuria and Carolina are our contacts at Campus Stellae.

Saturday or Day 2

Meet with our contact for a brief introduction to the city (restaurants, pharmacies, etc.).  Make contact with our ecumenical partners to offer collaboration and possible participation in Sunday services.  If collaboration is not possible, there is a group of Anglicans/Episcopalians in Santiago who would be interested in a Eucharist service on Sunday.  Colin will be helpful in this matter.  Check out hospitality supplies in the CS space to ensure that there are enough for your first few days.  If time allows, greet pilgrims and distribute invitations to Sunday worship and any opportunities for hospitality on Sunday afternoon.

Sunday or Day 3

Attend or participate in leading Eucharist. Depending on the situation at Santa Susanna, it is possible to use the CS space for worship.

Monday-Friday, Week 1

9am: Set up CS room for the day.

9:30am-Noon: Greet pilgrims in the square, on one of the Camino routes, or near the Pilgrim Center and distribute invitations to the daily service and hospitality time.  You could also stand out in front of the building to welcome and speak to pilgrims.

Noon:  Attend the Pilgrim Mass at the Cathedral as desired.  (On Wednesdays, there is an English Mass in the Pilgrim Center).  There are several other Pilgrim’s Masses during the day and evening, so you have several options during the day.

1pm: Eucharist, followed by hospitality

NOTE: Campus Stellae is closed from 2:00-4:00pm.  If you are inside during that time, you’re okay.

3pm-5pm: Greet pilgrims in the square, on one of the Camino routes, or near the Pilgrim Center and distribute invitations to the daily service and hospitality time.

Evening: Campus Stellae is open until 8pm.  If desired, you could hold Compline at 7:00 or 7:30pm.  

2nd Saturday

Greet pilgrims and distribute invitations to Sunday worship.  Prepare for Sunday worship.

Monday-Thursday, Week 2

Repeat week 1 schedule and make adjustments as needed.


Prepare to leave Santiago.  If possible, meet with the incoming chaplain for a debrief or arrange a phone/Zoom call.